Welcome to the 5 candidates teams.

Application for International IRN i-GPCRnet Membership


Rapid Responses to Steroid Hormones 13th International Meeting (Paris)

Permanent International Conference of Health Innovative Solutions 2021 - 2022

Resources to help Ukrainian refugee scientists (Martha Sommer)

Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Functional Genomics of Cell Signalling Monash University, Melbourne, Australia

Next Meeting & Workshop

4th IRN iGPCR workshop 2024 Pharmacology in Drug Discovery

4th IRN iGPCR workshop 2024 Pharmacology in Drug Discovery Dear PhD students and postdoctoral ...

Save the date: 4th IRN i-GPCRnet meeting from July 8th to 10th, 2024 in Nottingham

The registration is closed.   4th IRN i-GPCRnet Annual Meeting Programme 4th IRN i-GPCRnet ...

Industrial Partners
